Journal articles

Simulating civil society in the Middle East and North Africa: Fog, friction, and the Lebanese port explosion. Simulation and Gaming.

Prisms of Palestine: Palestinian Muslim narratives beyond reductive caricatures and conflict dichotomies. Journal of Religion and Society.

Shinrin yoku as a pedagogy for peace amidst violence: Generating dynamic narratives of Palestine-Israel relations on college campuses. Journal of Peace Education.

Voter Response to Peak and End Transfers: Evidence from a Conditional Cash Transfer Experiment. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (with Sebastian Galiani, Patrick McEwan, Pablo Ibarrarán, and Nandita Krishnaswamy).

Women, Information Ecology, and Political Protest in the Middle East. Mediterranean Politics (with Patrick McEwan and Rebecca Turkington).

Institutional Formation in Transitional Settings. Comparative Politics.

The Goldilocks Solution: Exploring the Relationship Between Trust and Participation in Resource Management with the New Zealand Commercial Rock Lobster Fishery. The Policy Studies Journal (with Tracy Yandle and Rafael Raciborski).

Book Chapters

Let Go and Let Ali. In Peter Krause and Ora Szekely (Eds.), Stories from the Field: Navigating Fieldwork in Political Science. Columbia University Press.

Other writing

Our comeback quotient: Resurrecting networks of reciprocity in the field of refugee studies. MENA Politics: Newsletter of the Middle East and North African politics section of APSA.

Simulating civil society: The effects of the Beirut port explosion. PAXsims.

Inspiring digital reciprocity amid catastrophe: Lessons from the Palestinian refugee pandemic response. Blog post on The Critical Refugees Studies Collective.